Distance: 18 miles out and back
Elevation gain: 1140 ft
At last count there were 2,347 roads on the West Coast named Mill Creek Road. Bestrides has three: this one, Mill Creek Road #2 by Fremont, and the Wine Country one in the Adding Miles section of the Pine Flat Road ride. All three are super-sweet little rides.
This one is Just down the road from Lassen Park, in Mineral, CA. It’s a thoroughly charming back road that in 9 miles manages to pack in a lovely mountain meadow, a mild 1-mile climb through piney woods, a 2-mile slaloming descent that’s as sweet as cotton candy, and a flat ride along a creek. Then you get to do all those things in reverse. The climbing is consistently 5%-ish, just steep enough to make you say, “Wow, I’m climbing strong today!,” the scenery is prime throughout, the road surface is glass, and there is no traffic. I’m not making this up. Midway there’s a classic mountain store, like something straight out of Jeremiah Johnson.